How Can I Be More Charismatic?

People who have charisma are self-confident, upbeat, and while they are good persuaders, they’re not arrogant or self-centered. They make people want to be around them, and they’re good at getting people behind their causes. It’s a compelling ability that can genuinely change your life, and thankfully, you can learn to be more charismatic.

Be Fully Present in the Now

One trait that charismatic leaders possess is the ability to be fully mindful and present at all events they attend. They aren’t multitaskers because when you are talking to a person like this, you feel important and listened to. That is due to their ability to enjoy the moment.

Turn Off Notifications and Put Your Smartphone Away

This goes back to being mindful, but it is a crucial distinction to mention separately. When you are with people don’t check your phone. You can always check it if you excuse yourself to the restroom, but when you’re with people live don’t keep checking the device.

Dress Comfortably but Appropriately

You don’t have to be attired as others are to be a confident person. Instead, you need to dress the way you like to dress that makes you feel good about yourself. Of course, that also means to dress in a way that makes your audience feel comfortable with you as well. You can find a balance that meets both requirements.

Look People in The Eye When Talking to Them

You don’t have to stare at people but meet people’s eyes at appropriate and comfortable times. A good example is when you first meet someone. Reach out, shake their hand, and look them in the eye as you learn their name, and as you give them your name.

Introduce Yourself First

They say that if you are the first person to walk up and introduce yourself, you are the power person in the relationship. If you want to be someone with lots of confidence make sure you’re the one introducing yourself (and others) first.

Show People You’re Listening

Ideally, other people will be doing most of the talking. So, you want to show people that you are listening with your eyes, face, and gestures. Ask leading questions, and nod slowly and carefully to show signs of understanding.

Don’t Fidget and Keep an Open Body Posture

Your body language is important too. Don’t fidget and don’t cross your arms over your body or keep closed body posture. Be open to others and show them through your stance.

Listen More Than You Talk

The more you let other people talk, if you’re also asking questions and contributing to moving the conversation along, people are going to see you as more confident, and more likable if you let other people talk more.

You don’t even have to be a real “people person” to be charismatic. You can learn how to communicate in a way that allows you to lead people if you believe that you can and learn more about how people communicate so that you use the methods that work best to deliver your message.