While women have made incredible strides all over the world, there are still only six countries that give women the same rights at work as they give men. Because of that, women are still under-represented in leadership positions. However, successful women often share experiences regarding the importance of breaking through the glass ceiling in public and private businesses.
The Only Family Nurturer
Historically, women have been seen by society as the primary nurturer, which can hold women back in their careers. On the flip side, it can also hold men back in their role as fathers. As men and women develop healthy partnering and parenting skills, they also learn that each person’s nurturing style is different. These personal differences help to build relationships and provide more options for the family.
Refuse to Take the Credit
You’ve been told most of your life not to brag. The problem is that society gives men an out most of the time by basing judgment on their potential. For women, society judges you based on your experiences. If you don’t take the credit for the good you do, it’s going to be hard for people to accept you as a no-nonsense CEO in the future. Accepting credit for the part you play in the business is not bragging. It’s simply telling the truth.
Don’t Brag About Your Accomplishments
People consider bragging about yourself to be unprofessional and ill-mannered. There will always be people in society who think women should just take care of the family and find it difficult to support women running for office, operating a Fortune 500 company, or being a high-powered mover and shaker. But it’s not unusual. You can and should talk about your accomplishments, when it’s appropriate to do so.
Hide Your Emotions and Excitement
Women are often stereotyped as being overly emotional. The truth is that women and men are both emotional creatures. It’s just that due to societal expectations, men are taught to hide their emotions. Since many men conform to society’s expectations on this topic, emotionless, tough, or gruff attitudes are perceived as normal. As a woman you don’t have to hide your emotions to be a leader. By the way, men don’t need to do that either.
Don’t Rock the Boat
Most women have been taught not to rock the boat but to be quiet and sweet. Once you are grown and want to get things done, you realize that sometimes boat-rocking is necessary. However, it’s not something people expect women to do daily.
Striving for Perfection
We have a big problem with perfection in society. Everyone expects it and falling short of the mark because nothing and nobody is perfect. Perfection is not even possible, yet we demand it of so many people, often unfairly. Perfection doesn’t exist so let go of the idea regarding yourself and what you expect from others.
Talking About Money
Sadly, it’s a common problem for women when negotiating pay or financial decisions. Women have been conditioned by society to avoid talking about money. While most jobs state that you should not talk about salary, the best thing you can do is find out what your colleagues are getting paid and ensure that you are getting your fair share.
While some of these so-called rules are based on by-laws, to reach your goals and objectives as a woman, find a way to go beyond those unwritten limiting rules that hold women back. Be brave, bold, confident, and fair to live up to your true potential.